City of Lord Krishna - "The cursed one"

               India is a diverse nation with complex geography and sets an example for the world with its various cultures and traditions. In India there are many ancient and great temples across the country and every temple had it's own customs, rituals and traditions. It is believed about India have many mysteries that are above the ground and some are buried underneath it's soil. One from many such truth is the lost city of Dwarka. 


        Dwarka is a town located in the coastal state of Gujarat in Jamnagar district. The city is directly linked to India's history and Lord Krishna's life. Dwarka exists from Dwaparyug it's also been mentioned in Skanda purapurana, Vishnu purana etc..., . As per sanatan celestial calculation Dwaparyug ended at around 5200 BC. Dwarka has been tha karma land of  Lord Krishna, who is the eight avatar of Lord Vishnu. Lord Krishna was born in the city of Madura, and he moved to Dwarka after killing his uncle Kansa.

Gandhari's curse:-

                 Gandhari was Duryodhan's mother and king Dhritlashtras wife. She was very upset after the death of her 100 sons in the battle of Mahabharata.when Lord Krishna met her  after the battle of mahabharata, Gandhari asked Lord Krishna that even though he had the power to stop the war, why he did not stop it and save her sons. And she cursed Lord Krishna and his entire kingdom and said that the way she has seen the death of her 100 sons, Lord Krishna will also see the death and devastation of the complete Yadav clan and Lord Krishna will have to see the death of all his sons, and  all the people in the Yadav clan and his sons were died in the battle . 

Destruction of Dwarka:-

            Y S Rawat, director of Gujarat state archaeology department claim that 3500 years back a tsunami had come and many cities including Dwarka went underwater. Around 1970 a marine scientists found evidence of an underwater city near the coast of Dwarka. In 2002 , the scientists found that a highly advanced civilization of an ancient world was standing untouched below the ocean's surface. With the help of technologies the scientists found that the lost city of Dwarka was found 120 feet  underwater in the Gulf of Cambay. The total length of the city is 7-8kms and it  is 3-4kms wide. After carbon testing  it is found that the city is between 7000-9500 years old.


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